Thank You

Hola Fashionistas!

 I would like to take a moment to thank all my new, and not so new followers. 😊 I’m truly humbled by all the positive messages I receive from you, daily. ❤️ Thank you. 😊

When I began using this platform (about six years ago) I began with random pictures, and I was living in downtown Columbus, Ohio.  Fast forward, now in Minneapolis, WAY over 40, sharing with you fashion, and everyday life.

This week, I’ve received several emails, and messages from several ladies, thanking me for inspiring them.

  This is what it’s all about.  Inspiring, and lifting you.

Another, from a young woman saying my take on life, and love, kept her reading my blog for an hour.

Believe me, I’m not blissfully happy, everyday.  Life has it’s ups, and downs, but it’s all about how you, choose to react to the situations.  Life may knock me down for a bit, but it better watch out, because I’m coming back renewed and restored!

I choose to live life full, and I will continue to share my colorful journey with you.

And as for this menopausal journey, I’ve got you.  You are not slowing me down!  For my younger followers, girrrrrrl you will know what I’m talking about, one day soon.

Similar Dress | Sandals – Shelly London

Let’s embrace life together bellas.

Found this great article from mindbodygreen.  Something to live by……

Many blessings to you. ❤️✨
