Skin Care II


Hola Fashionistas.

How are you all holding up?  I’m hanging in there.  Putting into practice, all the positive pointers I share with you all.

Yesterday, after I worked out, I showered and got “dressed.”  I grabbed a pair of shorts, a tunic and some lipstick.  Oh, and I did my brows.  I mean, it’s not like I was really going anywhere.  I just needed to feel a little normal.


This morning I posted the above picture on my Instagram account and I’m receiving many questions about my skin care.  😊


A while back I shared a post My Skin Care Routine where I showed you what I use.  I still use the same ones mentioned in the post, but I have added a new one to the mix.


I’ve added the product on the right vitamin C serum to my skin care regime.  I’m on my third bottle.  After I shower, I apply this to my face; I let it dry, then I apply my moisturizer.  

I’ve since then found C Plus Super Serum  (blue bottle) which is an advanced formula.  I will start using it when I’m done with my old bottle.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

I use these creams every single day.

Right before bed, I will use the creams mention in the old blog post.


Bellas, I highly recommend you research each product and make sure it’s something that will work for your skin type before you use.  Some of us have sensitive skin and are prone to breakouts, more so than others.

If you have questions, just drop me an email.  I’ll get back to you.

Much love and many blessings.


*affiliated links provided





2 Responses to “Skin Care II”

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  1. Vee says:

    Thank you for ALWAYS being such an inspiration! During these uncertain times, it is refreshing to see some positivism. Many continued blessings my beautiful friend!!!

    • Fashionistaover40 says:

      Thank you so very much. ❤️❤️We truly have to stay positive because we don’t want to be depressed at a time like this. Many blessings and health to you and all your loved ones.