Thank you!

Hola Fashionistas,

Just wanted to take a moment to thank all my new, and not so new followers. 😊 I’m truly humbled by all the positive messages I receive from you, daily. ❤ Thank you. 😊

When I began using this platform (about six years ago) I began with random pictures, and I was living in downtown Columbus, Ohio.  Fast forward-now in Minneapolis, WAY over 40, sharing with you fashion, and everyday life.

I’m truly grateful, to be able to inspire Fashionistas over 40, as we embark on this menopausal journey together.  For my younger followers, girrrrrl you’ll understand what I’m talking about, one day soon. 😋

This morning I was catching up with my comments, and replies.  It’s important to me, to reply to all the comments you leave me. 😊

Bellas, let’s embrace this wonderful life together.

Many blessings and mucho love. ❤✨



This dress is giving me all kinds of Frida vibes.



Fun, colorful and comfortable.

Dress – @zara

2 Responses to “Thank you!”

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  1. Neti says:

    Yes to the dress, and the sunnies and the handbag and everything. . . .